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Ezequiel Zaiderwerb |
Néstor Perlongher y sus cadáveres: del neobarroso a la necropoética
Ezequiel Zaidenwerg
New York University
Estados Unidos
Candidato doctoral, Departamento de Español y Portugués, New York University. Magíster en escritura creativa, área poesía, New York University. Es autor de los poemarios Doxa (Vox, 2007), La lírica está muerta (Vox, 2011).
ZAIDENWERG, E.. Néstor Perlongher y sus cadáveres: del neobarroso a la necropoética. Cuadernos de Literatura, Norteamérica, 19, jul. 2015. Disponible en:
This article explores the politics
of the poetic form in the works of
Nestor Perlongher, in the context
of the last military dictatorship
in Argentina. First of all, we
analyze the appropriation and
adaptation operations that the
Argentinian poet, anthropologist,
and militant performed on
the Cuban neo-baroque of
Lezama and Sarduy when it
comes to imposing in Rio de la
Plata a poetics that Perlongher
would call “neobarrosa”.
Then, we study the fascination
of Perlongher with national
corpses, from Eva Peron to the
disappeared, and postulate that,
faced with the militant option,
the Argentinian inclines for
necropoetics. In this way, forms
and traditions that were left for
dead raise as zombies and, in this
emphasis on the corporality of
language, Perlongher not only
gives them a political body, but
returns the material quality to the
faded bodies of the disappeared.
Ah sì, eccolo di nuovo Ezechiele il bello...