Prima di affrontare la traduzione dell' ennesima ( non se ne può più) versione di Spleen volevo sottolineare la complessità dei riferimenti che vi sono racchiusi.
Motivo principale de A KING AT THE POOL è sicuramente il Galles , the wet English county , ed alcuni suoi personaggi, ovviamente a noi sconosciuti , tranne Richard Burton, for the reading voice of...
Per non appesantire la poesia con un apparato di note a piè di pagina, abbiamo inserito direttamente il link nel corpus della poesia. Come è ovvio, le indicazioni delle note sono puramente indicative; aspettiamo vostri ulteriori suggerimenti...
(“Yes,—absolutely”, said Myfanwy to Morfydd.”
—Rhys Angeloglou; Corruption in Classic Guys)
(for the reading voice of Richard Burton)
I am like the David ap-Gwilym of a wet English county,
Well-greased, but gormless, ancient, but randy,
Fed up with the tutelage of my old Welsh masters,
Bored with the pit ponies and collies and tip disasters.
Nothing can make such a chap happy, not chasing the fox
Nor stoning the village Dylan among the rocks;
Nor can the absurd abandon of the Tonypandy choir
Distract him from the disease that’s like hell-fire
In his belly. His flag-strewn bed’s a tomb.
His Megs and Lilies—for whom each poet’s a bomb—
Can’t find a torn enough blouse or skirt to put on
To get a rise from this young skeleton.
His Da, who’s made him gold, can’t extirpate
Its corrupting heritage of in-bred hate.
The Roman jousts of bloodlust, which remain
Through centuries to thrill old hearts again,
Can’t warm young Dai' s cadaver, which instead
Of blood sucks the green water of the dead.
Swingsby Swingsby-glamis-Swingsby
c/o The Wild Hart’s Council,
late of St. James’ Square,
now in with-it Piccadill.
(“Je suis comme le Roy Roy Goodman mais je suis mauvais— commeIthell' s Gouffres Amers
—o quel malade!—ou les impuissants de M.Tchelitchew.—Vive
l’Amer!—mauvais comme Le Jazz Hot ou les dring-a-drings de Django,
ou Bill Coleman de Paris trompetant des tutoyers auau Hugue, ce grosse Panassié —comme
M. Baggot, Le Maggot de Charlee Boule cle L’Air—ou le bink-bink double
d’Henri Millaire — ou le Roi-Roi s’amuse d’habitude comme un Bubu d’Ubu—
roi et moi.)
from Le Go-Go de M. Apostrophaire
par Jacques-Jacques Prevelle
giovedì 7 giugno 2012
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