domenica 29 luglio 2012

SANDRO PENNA, Poesie, trad. in lingua inglese A. Panciroli

Se la vita sapesse il mio amore!
me ne andrei questa sera lontano.
Me ne andrei dove il vento mi baci
dove il fiume mi parli sommesso.
Ma chi sa se la vita somiglia
al fanciullo che corre lontano .


If life knew my love!
I would get along this night faraway-
I would get along where wind kisses me
where the river speaks to me  softly.
But who knows if life  looks like
the child who runs away..


"Exclusive love poet"
they called me. And maybe it was true.
But the wind here on the grass and  noises
of the distant town
aren't they love too?
Under hot clouds
are not still the sounds
of a love that burns
and does not leave more?

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