venerdì 27 aprile 2012

5 earthworms, fellows in women and adventures... TERRARIUM


5 earthworms, fellows in women and adventures

2 larvae of Cetonia, to cradle them into a flower

2 snails, one for me, one for you, my love

1 slug," a l' enterrement d' une feuille morte (*)
deux escargot s'en vont..."

1 centipede, running to you, with beating heart .

*** **** ***

(*) * Da " Chanson des escargot qui vont à l'enterrement "
by Jacques Prevert

 A teacher , Loreley, (and I loved her, alas! ) gave me the idea for this little poem: it was just a list to make a terrarium for school kids, but it was so romantic...( for me, it's obvious).
 There's nothing really romantic in a slug!

 Una maestra, Loreley, ( quanto l' ho amata, ahimè) mi ha dato l' idea per questa poesiola: era solo una lista per la creazione di un terrario per i suoi alunni, ma era così romantica... ( solo per me, ovvio).
 Non c' è niente di veramente romantico in un lumacone!

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